Uploading videos to Facebook is really very easy, which is one reason we think everyone should do so. You can do it right from your timeline or your newsfeed.
If you use Facebook with any regularity, you’ve probably been noticing since December the effects of Facebook autoplay–just loading a page with a video on it causes the video to play, although sound doesn’t kick in until you click on […]
It’s exciting when our clients are rolling out video. We love to watch the traffic grow. Making a number of videos at once realizes a number of advantages–you’ll save money in your video production costs, be able to realize a […]
A number of signs suggest that the future of video is in very frequent publishing. In a few short years, YouTube channels of typical associations, nonprofit organizations, and businesses will publish videos every week and, for many, even […]
Here at MiniMatters, most of our clients make video with the express intention of sharing it on the web–on YouTube, their organization’s website, and elsewhere on the web. It’s easy and convenient, and so many people are watching video on […]
A key distinction between types of links is nofollow and dofollow links. The difference between nofollow links and dofollow links is that Google uses only dofollow links in making search engine rankings. […]