When Should Video Use a Voiceover?
The video incorporates diverse voices talking about the benefits of Capital Caring's innovative telecaring program. The voiceover fills in the missing pieces, making for a smooth and persuasive message. Voiceover has several key benefits The voiceover [...]
How Scripted Should Your Video Spokesperson Be?
Our clients often face the question of whether have their video spokesperson read from a script, or talk off the cuff? Should he or she prepare with talking points, or just go in to [...]
What’s the Easiest Way to Upload Videos to Facebook?
Uploading videos to Facebook is really very easy, which is one reason we think everyone should do so. You can do it right from your timeline or your newsfeed. Uploading videos to Facebook is [...]
What’s the Impact of Facebook Autoplay?
If you use Facebook with any regularity, you've probably been noticing since December the effects of Facebook autoplay--just loading a page with a video on it causes the video to play, although sound doesn't [...]