Great Nonprofits Should Showcase Board Members on Video
Great nonprofits have an advantage when it comes to telling a story on video, because mission-driven organizations always have stories that will speak to the heart---a mission essentially IS a story. We at MiniMatters [...]
Instagram Videos Have Enough Time for a Message
Facebook's move to compete with Twitter's Vine app by adding Instagram videos is just one more data point showing the importance of video in interacting with your stakeholders. Here's how Kobe Bryant's Instagram video, which [...]
Video Interview Tips—Communicating Your Best Message
Here's part 3 of our common interview concerns series, this time, offering video interview tips concerning communicating your best message. There are a lot of things to consider when you prepare to be interviewed for [...]
Video Interview Tips—How to Sound Good in a Video?
Here's part 2 of our common interview concerns series, with some video interview tips on audio. Sound is just as important to video as images---if not more. And you may be worried about how [...]