A Bequests Animated Video can share memorable, easy to understand messages about this most popular method of planned giving.
The University of Maryland – Baltimore knows that bequests are the most popular method of planned giving. Their planned giving department decided to take a unique approach to a bequests video by combining animation and a virtually filmed testimonial from donors Linda Rose and Bill Smillie.
What makes this video special is that combination of animation and real donors–as well as the down-to-earth messaging (“You can’t take it with you” and “Estate gifts are common, with most people giving or receiving an estate gift at least once in their lives.”).
This animated bequests video makes a great addition to the Office of Planned Giving’s video marketing portfolio, which already included this animated video about charitable gift annuities as well as donor story videos featuring donors to the Carey School of Law and School of Nursing.
What communication needs do you have that video could help solve? We’re happy to explore possible solutions with you. Request your estimate today.