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video marketing

True/False Friday: HTML5 is just like all the other HTMLs.

August 3rd, 2012|Featured, True/False Friday|

False. HTML5 represents a transformative change to Web coding. At the same time, most users of the Web don’t need to understand it—that’s the good news. The better news is that we get to enjoy amazing stuff like this gorgeous, interactive […]

Tip Tuesday: Video can be used effectively in an integrated advocacy campaign.

July 3rd, 2012|Featured, Tip Tuesday|

The Leo Burnett advertising agency created this remarkable video and the campaign it depicts. The campaign’s supporters literally fight fire with fire in the process of saving the library in Troy, Michigan from funding cuts: The agency received a […]

True/False Friday: The latest technology can be a means of preserving the vulnerable past.

June 29th, 2012|Featured, True/False Friday|

True. If you’re surprised to contemplate that a suite of technology could be the means of preserving an indigenous culture, check out this video about the partnership between the Surui people and Google Earth, Trading Bows and Arrows for Laptops:
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