- Back-to-school
- Labor Day
- Halloween
- The 50th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis
- The World Series
- December 2012 movie releases such as The Hobbit, The Great Gatsby, or the latest Twilight installment
Mother’s Day is coming. You still have time to rush order your mother or your wife some flowers for her day, but videos that tie into Mother’s Day should have been produced a few weeks ago. Mother’s Day is a terrific tent pole event–a blanket term for events that hold a metaphorical high pole in a tent that can get attention for an issue or sentiment. Get under the tent pole and tag your videos and other posts to tie into the event, and you can take advantage of a groundswell of topical traffic.
Because at MiniMatters we never compromise on quality, we recommend that our clients bring us in on video production at least two months before a scheduled release. We’ll also talk about your video marketing and distribution strategy to take advantage of such events even before production begins.
It’s fun to use tent pole events in a fresh way; since many of these things come around every year there’s always room to reinvent them and add resonance or humor to them. Some tent pole events that aren’t too close to consider now—or too far away to consider soon—include:
The Caring Economy Campaign advocates for changing the way we measure the economic health of our society to include the value of work such as caring for young children, the elderly, volunteering in the community, and the state of our environment. What better day to contemplate this kind of transformation than Mother’s Day? Check their Web site to see how.
While deep respect for motherhood is exactly the sentiment that Caring Economy Campaign wants to turn into action, less intuitive uses of tent pole events can work, too. An irreverent campaign for responsible eating might invoke the eating habits of Stephenie Meyer’s “vegetarian” vampires around the time of the movie release. Whatever great ideas you have, time them right and they will reap results.
If MiniMatters can help you use this tip or serve your other video needs, we’d love to talk with you at 301-339-0339 or via email at [email protected].